I just spent $45 on milk…

live outside

Recently I’ve discovered the high cost of living. As I watch my savings from working all summer dwindle before I’ve even started school, I realize how much food, toilet paper, and other basic essentials actually add up. In the past few weeks, I’ve become extremely aware of every purchase I make and evaluate it’s level of priority (and in case you were wondering, coffee still falls into the “essential” category for me). With this in mind, I was running into the store today to get some milk (who knew almond milk was almost $4?!) when I passed this woman sitting outside of the store with a sign that read “Have children, need food. God bless”. Now, I live in a place where homelessness and poverty are not uncommon and I usually walk past these people with a sick feeling in my gut and telling myself “You can give them money, who knows what they’re going to spend it on- just keep walking”. But this lady reminded me of a woman I worked with over the summer cleaning houses, so I stopped. She told me that she needed food for her family and could she come shopping with me? I said yes and we proceeded into the store. She told me about her kids and how she was laid off. She asked me if I had children. I said “No, but I’m somebody’s daughter”. She was very price conscious and asked me before she put things into the basket if it was too much. We checked out and she thanked me and told me she would pray for me. Then she picked up her groceries and began schlepping them to the bus stop. I got in my car with my carton of milk. I’ve never spent a more worthwhile $45 in my life.

Going Back= Moving Forward?

Two days after I arrived back in my hometown from college, I already have a countdown going of the days until I went back. Everything about being home seemed wrong; crappy summer job that I already despised, friends that had *gasp* found lives of their own while I was away, and this inexplicable suffocating feeling that comes from being in a place you’ve outgrown. Outgrown is actually the perfect word to sum it up. I felt uncomfortable and out of place, too full of my own plans and aspirations to fit in this tiny little town anymore. I spent the majority of the summer at home hating where I was. I felt as if my life had come to a standstill and I had to wait exactly 2 months and 5 days until I could shock it out of its coma and get it moving again. It wasn’t until the date of my departure started looming that I allowed myself to stop hating my living situation long enough to realize that-
This is the place that made me who I am.
The work that comes with living on a farm…
The love and support of my family…
The laughter I share with my friends who are now scattered throughout the country…
The unspeakable BEAUTY of area that I live (which I definitely didn’t appreciate at ALL when I lived there)…
These were the building blocks for the person who is now able to dream these big dreams and make these amazing plans. And without these roots, I wouldn’t have had he strength to grow into the person I am today. And without taking the time to go back and recognize these roots, I have a feeling I wouldn’t have the strength to grow into the person I want to be.
So as painful as it was and as much as I will deny it if you ever ask me…
I needed to be grounded this summer and remember where I came from.tumblr_inline_mmwy0yLlWO1qz4rgp

A Matter of Perception


Source: http://consciousmagazine.co/9-16-13/


If I have learned one thing in the past few weeks, it’s that no matter how perfect or together someone may seem on the outside, there is always something they’ve had to overcome or are in the process of dealing with. Sometimes it can almost seem as if we alone are struggling with something or are flawed in a way that sets us apart from everyone else. Looks can be deceiving. We sometimes prefer to deal with our problems internally and mask our struggle to the rest of the world. Rarely when someone asks “How are you?” do you typically respond with anything other than “fine” or “good” or some other statement of false contentment. This can give the misleading impression that everyone around us seems to be handling life just fine while we alone struggle to find happiness. But if you sit down with someone and genuinely ask them “No really, how are you?” you will probably fine that they too are struggling with something. Everyone has a story, something that makes them the way they are. No one goes through life unscathed. But it’s important to remember that the regrets you have and the trials you face are part of you. They let you learn from your mistakes and grow into a person you can be proud of.   



Picture source: http://sbrownehr.com/friends/

Something that I’ve grown to appreciate more and more as I get older is the power and support of a good friendship. While it’s true that happiness is something that must come from within you, true friends are a way to find and grow that inner happiness. I am one of those people that pulls away from everyone when I get upset, overwhelmed, stressed, or any combination of the three. The fact that I have people in my life that will sand by me when I am not the most sane or enjoyable person says a lot. Friendship is something that can be a constant source of happiness as well as something to lean on when times get tough.  


Love yourself


Love yourself

This is a great article from one of my favorite blogs-HelloGiggles. It details 10 reasons that you should love your body just the way it is. With all the campaigns and controversy surrounding body image, it’s nice to see someone take a more humorous view and say and remind us that body image, while influenced by society, is in our power to change. I think that people get too caught up in blaming outside forces for the way they see their body. Yes, it’s true that seeing these impossible standards of beauty all around us makes us call our own physical features into question, but putting all the blame on “society” takes the power away from the individual to change their perception. Ultimately, the way you see your own body is up to you. So stop letting this ubiquitous influence make you see yourself as anything less than perfect.

Also, I just wanted to share my favorite quote from this article:

SCREW THE THIGH GAP! Your thighs touch because they’re BFFs, it’s no big deal.”



Honestly, I don’t know what to say, I mean the title says it all. This song just makes me feel…happy. There is something to be said for a song in this day and age that shows everyone, from all walks of life, having a good time. No oversexualization or dramatic heartbreaks- just a catchy tune and some sweet dance moves.


Reach out



There are some things that I will never be able to make sense of. I guess it is often said that all the beauty and happiness of life cannot be had without the tragedy and pain, but to actually see this darker side of life is shocking. We think that of bad things as only happening in the abstract- occurring a safe distance away to someone we don’t know. However, pain doesn’t discriminate. It can affect everyone of all age, race, and class.

But this doesn’t mean we should live our lives in fear of experiencing this side of life.

It is important to remember that no matter what you are going through, there is always something to be thankful for.

It is also important to remember that you are not alone in this world. Someone you know may be going through the most trying time of their life. Or they may just be having an off day. Regardless, doing something for someone else, even if it’s something as small as asking about their day or reaching out to an old friend, can make a world of difference. Not only does it improve your mood, but you may never know how much your caring meant to another person.

Life is unpredictable- scary and beautiful at the same time. You never know when or where it will take you. But never underestimate your power to face life’s challenges and inspire others to do the same.

My thoughts go out to Maria’s family and friends. She was a beautiful young girl and will be greatly missed.  


5 things you can do to make you happy RIGHT NOW



1. Call your mom

…or dad, friend, family pet- it doesn’t matter. Just call someone you enjoy talking to and who likes hearing from you. Even a quick conversation about your day can help you de-stress and make you feel better. Another plus, you’ll probably make their day too.

2. Organize your space

No, no one likes to clean their room, but when your busy sometimes the cleanliness situation can get a little out of hand. Just a short time spent organizing can help you feel more in control and on top of your life.

3. Exercise and ATTEMPT to be healthy

No one likes to walk on the treadmill everyday and eat broccoli 24/7. But the fact is, your health has a big role in the way you feel. Not eating a balanced diet or getting enough sleep can decrease your happiness before you even start the day. This doesn’t mean you have to give up sweets forever and live at the gym, but trying to do some enjoyable physical activity most days and pigging out in moderation can improve your mood significantly. 

4. Say “no”…

Sure, being involved is great, but when you take on every commitment that comes your way, you end up overworked and unable to devote your full attention to anything. Saying “no” to that movie night with friends to catch up on homework is better than going and stressing the whole time about all the work you should be doing.

5. … but not to everything

Yes, it’s important to prioritize your time and maybe forgo some fun to catch up on work, but never deprive yourself completely of a break. It’s important to take a step back sometimes and realize that the most important things aren’t always the things that you’re graded on or doing for money. Friendships and new experiences are what makes life worth living and devoting some time to each, even when busy, will increase your happiness in the long run.


Dear Ursala

When talking about self esteem and happiness, one can never escape talking about body image. Feeling comfortable and confident in your body is an essential step to leading a positive life. It is also one of the hardest to achieve. There are so many things society tells us are wrong with our physique. This video of Melissa May reading her poem “Dear Ursala” is an example of the impossible standards set in early childhood by movies like The Little Mermaid. The raw emotion and feeling she puts behind her words is truly moving and reminds us that these images put forth as the “ideal” body type are no ones reality reality.
WARNING: this video contains well placed, but foul, language


Your choice


Source: http://backonpointe.tumblr.com/post/26211760071

No matter who you are or what you do, you are going to run into some rough times in your life. I’ve definitely had days of wallowing in self pity where I felt as if my personal issues trumped everyone else’s around me. I retrospect, this feeling was appallingly far from the truth. However, at the time, I felt like my problems gave me an excuse to be miserable and, in turn, make everyone around me miserable.

Recently, I had a conversation with a good friend who also happens to be one of the most caring and positive people I know. She confided in me some of the conflicts she has faced in her own life. As I listened to her talk, I realized how much her own struggles outweighed anything I’d ever experienced or even could’ve imagined happening to me. When she finished, I asked her how she could possibly be the wonderful person that I see smiling everyday when she has dealt with so much. Her answer was

“I can’t do anything to change it, so why not be happy?”  

All that time I spent feeling sorry and sad when something bad happened to me could’ve been used to help someone else. Or make someone’s day. Or paint. Or study. Or hike, laugh, bake, or a million other things that would’ve been far more productive than self pity. It is inevitable that bad things will happen in life. However, it is up to you to decide if these bad things will lead you to unhappiness.